We all know that mobile apps and smart phones have made our lives infinitely easier, but few mesothelioma patients dreamed that ease would reach as far as helping them identify appropriate medical care. That is exactly what is being promised by an app called Driver that was recently introduced in the United States and China. The result of hard work by a pair of oncologists, Driver is a tool designed to help patients with cancer to find the state-of-the-art treatments and clinical trials that are a direct match with their specific condition.
Though the technology does not come cheaply, the investment may well be worth it for mesothelioma patients struggling to connect with the right specialists for their rare and fatal form of cancer. The one-time purchase price of Driver is $3,000.00, and those who purchase it also then pay a monthly subscription fee of $20 and provide consent for the app to collect all of their medical reports and lab results . Though the price is high, especially in the face of already-high medical bills, the app delivers a lot to those who pay: it analyzes all of the information and genetic studies done on the patient and then searches for the treatment centers and oncologists that are best suited to the care that is needed.
Describing the way that Driver will help mesothelioma patients and those diagnosed with other cancers, CEO Dr. William Polkinghorn, a former Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center radiation oncologist says, “In a world of Amazon, Airbnb, and other technology platforms that have revolutionized our ability to access products and services, consumers deserve the same power of these next generation marketplaces when they get cancer and need a treatment.”
The app was developed in partnership with the National Cancer Institute, as well as the nation’s top hospitals providing cancer and mesothelioma treatments: collaboration and data collection about available treatments from these facilities was an essential element of developing the treatment matching system.
This type of technological breakthrough will undoubtedly make life easier for mesothelioma patients trying to find the best treatment available. If you or someone you love needs access to other helpful resources, contact the Patient Advocates at Mesothelioma.net at 1-800-692-8608.