In mesothelioma survival (as in all other things), “location location location” is often a determining factor. Specifically, the location of the medical facility that patients choose determines their treatment, and that can make a difference in their overall survival time. Studies have shown that it’s true in the United States, and a recent study showed the same to be true in Italy.
Italian Study Reveals Impact of Location on Mesothelioma Treatment Options
According to new research published by the Italian Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare, the treatments being offered to mesothelioma patients differ from hospital to hospital, with an absence of innovative treatment in some locations being blamed on a lack of exposure and a failure to share information.
If doctors are unfamiliar with mesothelioma they tend to treat it like all other cancers, and that can be a costly decision. The researchers looked at the treatments offered to over 2,000 patients over a six-year period and found that patients from different regions received far different treatments. “Patients from Piedmont, Liguria and Campania were more likely to receive no cancer-directed therapy; those living in Tuscany and Sicily were more likely to get surgery; patients from Marche and Lazio were more likely to receive chemotherapy. These differences were not explained by age, sex, stage, histology and availability of a thoracic surgery department.”
Experience and Exposure Make the Difference for Mesothelioma Patients
In many cases, mesothelioma diagnosis comes late in the disease’s progression and to patients who are already medically fragile. These patients have the worst prognosis, and are often best served through palliative treatment meant to make them as comfortable as possible. But in other cases, aggressive treatment can make a significant difference in survival. That makes it essential for patients to choose a facility that has more familiarity with treating the disease, and with innovative approaches.
Having access to the best treatment available is the start of many mesothelioma journeys, and the Patient Advocates at are here to help. Contact us today at 1-800-692-8608 to learn more.