International Cancer Group Issues COVID-19 Guidance Helpful to Mesothelioma Patients

COVID-19 has struck fear into the hearts of people all over the world, but perhaps none as much as those at high risk due to serious illnesses like malignant mesothelioma. Cancer patients are not only generally more vulnerable to disease: they also rely upon regular medical treatment, and going for those treatments in the presence of a highly infections virus has suddenly become fraught with peril. In light of these developments, the International Oncology Panel and European Cancer Patient Coalition has issued professional guidance to provide answers and support.

Mesothelioma Patients Around the World to Benefit from Guide

The new guidance has been created to benefit mesothelioma patients and those diagnosed with cancers of all types, around the world. It was developed with help and information from 63 oncology societies and has been translated into 22 languages. It identifies six main areas of recommendations:

  • General considerations for patients with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Special measures that people with cancer should take to avoid COVID-19 infection
  • What to do if someone is symptomatic
  • Guidance on managing anxiety and stress
  • Trust in physicians’ medical advice regarding deviations in care routine
  • Procedures at cancer centers 

What Mesothelioma Patients Need to Know During the Pandemic

Mesothelioma patients are at higher risk for infections of all kinds at all times. Their immune systems have been suppressed by their disease as well as the treatments that they have been receiving, and many of them are elderly and have comorbidities that come with age. Because of this they need to be aware of the symptoms of COVID-19 so that they can act quickly to seek medical attention.

The best way for mesothelioma patients to avoid the virus is by adhering to all of the recommended protective actions, including staying at home and frequent handwashing and disinfection of objects.  Public places should be avoided and distance should be maintained between the patient and others. Wearing a face mask is highly recommended when leaving the home, and especially when visiting a cancer center or hospital.

Mesothelioma patients should remain in constant contact with their physician about all of their immediate concerns. For access to information and resources, contact the Patient Advocates at at 1-800-692-8608.

Terri Heimann Oppenheimer

Terri Oppenheimer

Terri Heimann Oppenheimer is the head writer of our news blog. She graduated from the College of William and Mary with a degree in English. Terri believes that knowledge is power and she is committed to sharing news about the impact of mesothelioma, the latest research and medical breakthroughs, and victims’ stories.

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