Exposure to asbestos claims almost 40,000 American lives every year from diseases including malignant mesothelioma and asbestosis. After years of legal challenges, the last few weeks has seen a flurry of activity coming out of the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the deadly mineral, and the most recent is being applauded by a leading awareness and advocacy group.
ADAO Calls New EPA Proposal “Historic”
Asbestos is a known carcinogen that has been directly linked to the development of malignant mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer, as well as other serious illnesses. For decades, individuals and advocacy groups have fought to have the material banned in the United States, while powerful lobbyists from the chemical industry have thwarted their efforts.
Last year the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) and its partners won a settlement agreement with the agency that the group said will “ensure EPA’s work on asbestos is informed by the best information available,” and this week the EPA issued a related proposal. An ADAO press release explains that the proposal “requires the asbestos industry to report on asbestos imports, use and exposure.”
Proposal Would Provide Essential Tool for Lowering Mesothelioma Risk
The proposal, which was published in the May 6th issue of Federal Register, would require reports from manufacturers, importers, and processors of asbestos and asbestos-containing products regarding use and exposure information from the past four years. According to the EPA proposal, the data “would be used by EPA and other federal agencies in considering potential future actions, including risk evaluation and risk management activities.”
In a related press release the agency addresses asbestos’ role in causing mesothelioma and other diseases, saying that the proposal is part of a “comprehensive suite of actions to address the risks to public health from asbestos.” Linda Reinstein, president of the ADAO, spoke to the importance of the progress represented by the proposal, saying, “The lack of reporting obligations by the asbestos industry has been a gaping hole in EPA’s efforts to protect Americans from exposure to this lethal carcinogen. We’ve always said that we can’t protect Americans from asbestos if EPA and the public don’t know where it is, how it is used, and who is exposed.”
If you or someone you love has been affected by exposure to asbestos, the knowledgeable Patient Advocates at Mesothelioma.net can help. Contact us today at 1-800-692-8608.