Driven by concerns over mesothelioma and asbestosis, parents of children enrolled in a childcare facility at the University of Montana filed suit in 2020 against the school and the state itself. The litigation revolves around exposure to asbestos.
Dangerous Levels of Asbestos in Daycare Raise Mesothelioma Fears
The risk of an eventual mesothelioma or asbestosis diagnosis in children first came to light in 2019, when the University of Montana revealed that testing in McGill Hall, the building that housed the ASUM Child Care, had identified dangerous levels of asbestos. Months later, parents and guardians filed suit, accusing the school of negligence.
Expressing outrage at the risk of mesothelioma faced by young children, the parents accused the school of knowing about the risk in two separate childcare centers as well as in apartment buildings on campus. The suit reads in part, “The University … inexplicably ignored its own policies and procedures regarding the treatment, detection and monitoring of asbestos in these buildings known to contain asbestos. As a result, the children attending the ASUM Child Care Centers were exposed to extremely high levels of asbestos.”
Despite Asbestos Found on Daycare’s Counters and Shelves, State Claims No Mesothelioma Risk
In response to the parents’ concerns, the state denied that any children were exposed to a risk of mesothelioma. Though they agreed that asbestos had been present in the buildings for years, they disputed knowledge of exact locations. Parents of 11 children who had attended the schools countered by saying that a white powder had been found on counters and shelves within the childcare facility.
One of the most concerning allegations made by the parents was that concerns about mesothelioma led to staff working in the facilities being sent for medical evaluations, yet no warnings were provided to faculty, students, or parents of daycare children. The parents are seeking compensation for emotional distress and other damages. The case will be heard this year.
If you or someone you love has been exposed to asbestos, mesothelioma is a real concern. For more information and access to resources, contact the Patient Advocates at today at 1-800-692-8608.