Despite the best efforts of asbestos advocates and health protection agencies across the world, the absolute number of malignant mesothelioma cases has doubled since 1990. That is the conclusion of a report published this week in the journal Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology.
Mesothelioma Report Hopes to Guide Cancer Control and Policy Decisions
The mesothelioma study was conducted by researchers from Qilu Hospital in Shandong, China, who described their goal as understanding the burden of the disease and the contributions of occupational asbestos exposure to guide cancer control, policy decisions, and resource allocation. They found an estimated 34,511 cases of mesothelioma in 2019, with 29,251 deaths and 668,104 disability-adjusted life years revealed as the cost.
The number of absolute deaths from mesothelioma represented a doubling since 1990. Interestingly, the age-based distribution of those affected by the asbestos-related disease decreased among those under the age of 70 but increased among those over the age of 80. This was particularly true among those who lived in regions classified as being in high socio-demographic indexes.
Increase in Mesothelioma Greatest in High Socio-Demographic Index Countries
The researchers found that the incident rate of age-standardized new mesothelioma cases was rising in 97 out of 204 countries, with the largest increase found in countries including Georgia, Croatia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Poland, Qatar, and Fiji. The fastest decline was in Peru. The group also found the age-standardized incident rate of mesothelioma was three times greater in men than in women, with women’s rates decreasing over the past thirty years.
Of note, the incident cases of mesothelioma rose from age 50 up to age 90, with the peak age for diagnosis of the disease occurring between ages of 70 and 74 and mortality reaching a peak and remaining high over age 85. The global incidence rate decreased among those under the age of 70.
Mesothelioma continues to be a global scourge. For information on how the Patient Advocates at can help you or a loved one diagnosed with this rare and deadly disease, contact us today at 1-800-692-8608.