Mayo Clinic Announces New Test for Mesothelioma Detection

This week, researchers from the Mayo Clinic announced a new testing protocol that may significantly improve early detection of malignant mesothelioma. According to medical oncologist Dr. Aaron Mansfield of the Center for Individualized Medicine, the innovative approach relies on detecting chromosomal rearrangements that typically occur in mesothelioma cancer cells’ DNA.

New Approach Detects Patterns Rather than Single Point Mutations

Malignant mesothelioma is a rare and complex form of cancer that is always considered fatal. The quest for a solution to its challenge focuses on both treatment and better methods of diagnosis: the earlier the condition is identified, and the more is known about the specific chromosomal makeup of the patient’s disease, the more effective and targeted treatment can be. 

Mesothelioma cancer cells often have shuffled or swapped sections of DNA and fewer single-point genetic mutations compared to other cancers. The Mayo Clinic’s newly devised test specifically searches for these chromosomal rearrangements rather than the single-point mutations that are typically the target of blood tests. 

Researchers Encouraged by Mesothelioma Testing Results

Writing in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology Clinical and Research Reports, Dr. Mansfield and his team explained that they used whole genome sequencing to locate chromosomal changes in cancer cell DNA, then created tiny primer pieces of DNA to match and attach to these chromosomal changes. With these identified, they were then able to successfully search for those same changes in patients’ blood. 

Regarding the discovery, lead study author Aaron Mansfield, M.D., said, “We’re pushing the frontiers of what’s possible in blood-based monitoring. Improving detection rates could offer insights into monitoring patients’ responses to therapy and detecting recurrence after surgery.”  The same team has previously identified a genomic signature that predicts which mesothelioma patients would most benefit from immunotherapy.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, the Patient Advocates at can help you access the resources you need. For more information, contact us today at 1-800-692-8608.

Terri Heimann Oppenheimer

Terri Oppenheimer

Terri Heimann Oppenheimer is the head writer of our news blog. She graduated from the College of William and Mary with a degree in English. Terri believes that knowledge is power and she is committed to sharing news about the impact of mesothelioma, the latest research and medical breakthroughs, and victims’ stories.

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