Powerful New Pain Medication May Bring More Effective Relief for Mesothelioma Patients

When compared to other forms of cancer, malignant mesothelioma is unique in many ways. It’s generally only diagnosed when in an advanced stage; it is one of the only cancers that has a single and specifically known cause; and it is one of the only cancers for which no effective treatment has been found.

Yet, mesothelioma also shares many commonalities with other cancers, and one of these is unremitting pain. The pressure on internal organs caused by the malignant tumors combines with the aftereffects of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy, and this makes pain relief a challenge.

Now, however, a team of scientists from The University of Texas at Austin believes they have found a new synthetic compound that can provide longer durations of action at lower doses than other medications, and more effective relief.

The medication that is raising hope among mesothelioma patients is only known as UKH-1114 at this point, as it has not yet been released onto the market. But if researchers’ clinical tests prove it to be safe, it is hoped that it will not only provide remarkable pain relief, but also provide an answer to the nation’s growing opioid addiction problem.

The drug’s effectiveness lies in its ability to bind to a specific receptor found on the cells of the central nervous system called the sigma 2 receptor.  Tests on laboratory animals with nerve damage showed pain alleviation that lasted for days rather than hours, and this was accomplished at a lower dose than is necessary with narcotic pain relievers.

Scientists had previously been unaware of the impact of the sigma 2 receptor, and it is thought that this discovery will represent a dramatic change in future pain relief.

The process of running this medication through clinical trials generally takes a few years, as is true with many of the drugs that offer promise for better mesothelioma treatment. For information on medical treatment, clinical trials, and other resources, contact the Patient Advocates at Mesothelioma.net today. We can be reached at 1-800-692-8608.

Terri Heimann Oppenheimer

Terri Oppenheimer

Terri Heimann Oppenheimer is the head writer of our Mesothelioma.net news blog. She graduated from the College of William and Mary with a degree in English. Terri believes that knowledge is power and she is committed to sharing news about the impact of mesothelioma, the latest research and medical breakthroughs, and victims’ stories.

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