Mesothelioma is one of the most challenging forms of cancer to treat. The aggressive disease has proven resistant to traditional protocols and is always considered fatal. This week a study reveals a new way to combat therapy-resistant cancers, and mesothelioma researchers are hoping that it can be applied to the rare and deadly asbestos-related malignancy.

Mesothelioma Physicians Encouraged by New Approach
Mesothelioma physicians and patients are paying close attention to a study published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences. Presented by researchers from the University of Kentucky’s Markey Cancer Center, it reports on a new approach to therapy-resistant cancers that relies on targeting a specific protein modification.
According to lead researcher Vivek Rangnekar, Ph.D., a professor and the Alfred Cohen Chair in Oncology Research at the UK College of Medicine, a protein called S6K1 that is activated in challenging cancers like mesothelioma helps cancer cells survive and resist treatment when it is activated by a process called phosphorylation. TheRangnekar and his team screened 1,400 FDA-approved drugs to find an antihistamine called ebastine that targets some cancer cells, then modified it to block the phosphorylated S6K1, which they call the new drug Super-ebastine.
Researchers Hope New Approach Can Be Used for Mesothelioma Treatment
Though mesothelioma was not among the cancer cell lines mentioned in the study, the researchers report having tested Super-ebastine on resistant forms of lung and prostate cancers and found it 95% effective at inhibiting their growth without causing significant side effects or impacting healthy cells.
Regarding the new drugs’ potential, Dr. Rangnekar said, “By understanding how these resistant cancers rely on phosphor-S6K1 for survival, scientists can develop new targeted treatments that may help patients who currently have limited options.
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma, innovative research holds promise for better outcomes. For information on this and other breakthroughs, contact the Patient Advocates at today at 1-800-692-8608.