In the face of draconian cuts to thousands of federal jobs and programs, the nation’s only nonprofit charity organization dedicated to ending mesothelioma is ringing alarm bells about the future of funding for mesothelioma research. The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation’s Executive Director has requested that its entire membership and mailing list contact their congressional representative to urge them to vote against the Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act meant to fund the government for the next six months.

Proposed Congressional Action Would Cut Funding for Mesothelioma Research
Brian Lepacek is the leader of the mesothelioma organization, and he sent out an email on Monday evening that could not have been clearer in its intention: The subject line read “Action Alert: Contact your representatives today to save meso research,” and its first line requested recipients’ assistance to “help keep mesothelioma and other medical funding safe.”
According to the email from the mesothelioma charity director, the proposed continuing resolution that would keep government funding in place through late September has hidden components that will harm both the mesothelioma community and many other medically at-risk communities.
Congressional Budget Would Cut Mesothelioma Research Budget by 57%
Mesothelioma is a rare and fatal asbestos-related cancer that afflicts America’s veterans more than any other demographic group. As a result, the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) funded by the Department of Defense is the largest funded mesothelioma research program in the country. Under the proposed continuing resolution, the 2025 budget previously approved for that research would be lowered by 857 million dollars, representing a 57% cut in money available to research mesothelioma and other cancers and deadly diseases that affect military servicemen and women.
Mr. Lepacek encouraged his membership to reach out to their congressional representative and urge them to vote no on the Full Year Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act and to visit their website and repeat their request.
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, research is essential to your future well-being. For assistance with your situation, contact the Patient Advocates at today at 1-800-692-8608.