Asbestos in Navy Ships

Asbestos in U.S. Navy ships caused harmful exposure in many veterans.[footnote num="1"] The navy used asbestos in fireproofing and insulation on its ships for decades, putting this group of veterans at particular risk of harmful exposure. Navy veterans who are now sick with mesothelioma and other asbestos illnesses may qualify for benefits.

Military Branches and Asbestos Exposure

All branches of the U.S. military, including the Navy, Air Force, Army, Marines, and Coast Guard, used asbestos and put service members at risk of exposure. Veterans who worked on ships were most likely to be exposed, but all are at risk of developing mesothelioma. The VA offers benefits for qualifying veterans exposed to asbestos

Mesothelioma Chemotherapy

Mesothelioma chemotherapy is a common treatment strategy for this type of cancer.[footnote num="1"] Patients usually receive a combination of chemotherapy drugs, most often pemetrexed and cisplatin, to target the fast-growing cancer cells. Chemotherapy helps shrink tumors to extend life expectancy and improve qualify of life by relieving symptoms.[footnote num="2"]

Mesothelioma Support

Mesothelioma support is essential for people living with this aggressive cancer. Patients and their caregivers often struggle emotionally and benefit from help in the form of therapy, counseling, and mesothelioma support groups. Financial support is also available to help cover costly treatments and other expenses. Types of Support Available for Mesothelioma Patients From medical care

Asbestos in Aging Buildings Poses Dangers to All

When most think of asbestos and the dangers it poses, they probably picture construction workers, military veterans, firefighters and others who work in occupations that put them in close proximity to potentially hazardous materials. Few realize that nearly every building that was built in the United States prior to the 1980s has a good chance of

Study Shows Little Progress in Mesothelioma Survival Rates

A recent study of the collected mesothelioma data has shown that despite all of the work that has been done over the last four decades, there has been no improvement in mesothelioma survival. This news is of particular concern to veterans with mesothelioma, as they make up over one third of those diagnosed with this

The Costs of Mesothelioma Care

The costs of mesothelioma care are often high. Treatments can cost an average of $11,000 per month and $25,000 per hospitalization. Patients can benefit from available financial resources or take legal action to help cover these costs. How Much Does Mesothelioma Treatment Cost? Regardless of the treatment path you choose, medical costs can affect you

Mesothelioma Treatment Centers

Mesothelioma treatment centers are cancer centers with staff who specialize in diagnosing and treating this rare cancer. Found throughout the U.S., these facilities offer patients the most advanced treatment options and clinical trials. Cancer centers with mesothelioma specialists include the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center in Boston, and the Pacific Mesothelioma Center in Los Angeles.

Pleural Mesothelioma

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of mesothelioma cancer and is almost always caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers.[footnote num="1"] The malignancy begins in the pleural tissue that surrounds the lungs. This cancer is aggressive, spreads readily, and causes symptoms like shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pains.

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