Kansas mesothelioma lawyers work with asbestos exposure victims and their families, helping them seek compensation. The number of deaths in Kansas attributed to asbestos exposure numbered 2,102 between 1999 and 2017, with nearly 400 of those deaths from mesothelioma.[1] Most of these deaths resulted from negligent asbestos exposure on the job.
Mesothelioma Lawyers Work with Asbestos Victims Across Kansas
Asbestos exposure is not limited to large cities or industrial centers. People encountered asbestos in their homes and at jobs all over Kansas, resulting in thousands of cases of asbestos illnesses.
If you have mesothelioma or another asbestos disease from exposure in Kansas, a mesothelioma lawyer can help. Mesothelioma and asbestos firms work with clients in:
- Wichita
- Overland Park
- Kansas City
- Topeka
- Lawrence
- Manhattan
- And throughout Kansas
How Kansas Mesothelioma Lawyers Help Victims
If you or a loved one was a victim of asbestos exposure, an experienced mesothelioma and asbestos attorney can help. They are experienced with these types of cases and are experts in asbestos and illness.
Without the right lawyer by your side, taking legal action over asbestos can be confusing and difficult. Working with a Kansas asbestos firm can help you in several ways:
- Get a free consultation to find out if you have a case
- Learn about your legal options and how to get compensation
- Find out where and when you were exposed to asbestos in Kansas
- Determine the exact companies responsible for your exposure
- Have an expert handle your case on your behalf
- Get a better chance of recovering as much in damages as possible
- Get results in as little as a few months
- Pay no fees until your lawyer wins.
Where Did I Get Exposed to Asbestos in Kansas?
The most common source of asbestos exposure for people in Kansas has been in their workplaces. For years, many industries used asbestos heavily. Construction companies, plants that make construction materials, power and manufacturing plants, chemical companies, and many other industries used asbestos in their buildings.
Workers were often exposed, especially in the decades before federal regulations were put in place in the 1970s to better protect workers from asbestos.
A minor source of potential exposure in Kansas comes from naturally occurring asbestos. Kansas is not known for its mines, yet there are a couple of mines with asbestos in the eastern part of the state.[2]
Even if not mined, any naturally occurring asbestos has the potential to harm people. If asbestos is disturbed from the ground during road building or construction projects, asbestos fibers can get into the air, where people may inhale them.
Asbestos and Aviation in Kansas
Aviation is a major industry in Kansas. The industry is largely concentrated in and around Wichita, and Boeing is one of the major employers in the area and the state. Other aviation companies in Kansas include Cessna Aircraft Company and Trans World Airlines.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) evaluated the Trans World Airlines terminal at the Kansas City International Airport in 1978. NIOSH found asbestos insulation that could potentially harm employees.[3]
These aviation companies brought a lot of jobs to the state and the Wichita area for decades, but they also brought asbestos. Countless workers suffered exposure over the years, leading to illnesses in many people and resulting in litigation against the companies. Sedgwick County, where Wichita is located, has the second-highest rate of asbestos-related deaths in the state.
Mid-America Refining
Another major workplace that exposed workers to asbestos in Kansas was the Mid-America Refining Company or MARCO. This petroleum refinery operated in Chanute, Kansas, from the 1940s through 1981.
The company used asbestos throughout the facility, mostly as a component of the insulation. Many workers were likely exposed over the years, but nearby residents were put at risk, too, when the contaminated site was abandoned after 1981.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) examined the MARCO site in the 1990s and tested several samples, finding all kinds of toxic contaminants, including asbestos. The EPA spent years cleaning up the site and removed nearly 200,000 tons of contaminated soil in the process.
Soil contaminated with asbestos is harmful to residents in the area because wind and other types of disturbances can produce dust that circulates dangerous asbestos fibers through the air. Residents were not notified of the site’s danger until many years later.
Kansas Jails and Asbestos Exposure
Even prisoners in Kansas have been exposed to asbestos and put at risk of becoming ill. In 2010, the Department of Corrections (DoC) ordered an audit of facilities over concerns that inmates were being exposed to asbestos.
This came after a 2005 incident in which the DoC renovated a Topeka prison and violated the Clean Air Act.[4]
The DoC failed to check for asbestos before beginning the project and failed to give workers adequate protective gear. Prisoners have rights and can take legal action if exposed to asbestos that causes later illness.
Other Exposure Sites in Kansas
In addition to MARCO, the aviation industry, and the Department of Corrections, there are many more locations in Kansas that have used asbestos over the years. Many of these exposed their workers and even nearby residents. Some of them include:
- Shell Petroleum Corporation, Arkansas City
- Santa Fe Power Plant, Coffeyville
- Schilling Air Force Base, Salina
- DuPont Chemical, Topeka
- Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac Assembly Division, Kansas City
- Armco Steel, Kansas City
- Del Monte Foods, Lawrence
- Hold Plumbing Company, Hutchinson
- Lion Chemical Corporation, El Dorado
- National Refining Company, Coffeyville
Could I Still Be Exposed to Asbestos Today?
Yes, asbestos is not banned, and anyone in Kansas could still be exposed. Asbestos is still found in older buildings, including homes, public buildings, and workplaces throughout Kansas.
Schools are common sites for lingering asbestos. In May 2022, Junction City High School was demolished, but the district first had to abate asbestos in the building.[5] Also this year, Kansas State University faced the demolition of two buildings that contained asbestos.[6]
Both of these projects were handled responsibly and safely, but that isn’t always the case. If you live or work in an older building, find out if asbestos is there and how to stay safe.
Asbestos Laws in Kansas
Kansas laws regarding asbestos aim to protect residents and workers from future exposure and mesothelioma risks. Other laws affect how past exposure victims take legal action now.
Asbestos Safety Regulations
Asbestos laws in the state were put in place to protect workers and residents. They are designed to protect people from asbestos that is present in buildings or workplaces. Any work to be done on a building that involves asbestos has to be reported to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment at least ten days before it begins.
Only licensed and trained professionals are allowed to work on asbestos. Disposal of asbestos that is being abated has to follow the guidelines set by federal agencies and laws.[7]
Statute of Limitations
If you think you were exposed to asbestos, it is important to get medical care as soon as possible. This is the best way for treatment to be effective, but it also will help you better work within the state’s statute of limitations on personal injury lawsuits.
You have two years from the time of an asbestos-related diagnosis to file a lawsuit and make a case for compensation; furthermore, if you lost a loved one to an asbestos-related disease, you have just two years from the time of death to make a wrongful death case against those responsible.
Take-Home Duty for Secondhand Asbestos Exposure
Secondhand exposure occurs when a person encounters asbestos at a secondary site. The most common example of this is the exposure of a family member of someone who works around asbestos. The worker brings fibers home on their clothing, accidentally exposing others in the household.
Kansas law does not allow secondhand asbestos exposure victims to sue for damages. A Kansas statute states that the owner of premises—such as workplaces—cannot be held liable for anyone’s exposure unless it occurred onsite.[8]
Although less common, many family members of people who worked with asbestos got sick later with mesothelioma. Kansas law does not allow these victims to hold the employers or asbestos companies liable.
Expert Cancer Care in Kansas
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) designates the top treatment centers for cancer in the U.S. to help patients with diseases like mesothelioma find the best possible care. In Kansas, the University of Kansas Cancer Center is one of these NCI-designated medical centers.
The medical team here is experienced in working with patients with all types of cancer, even rare ones like mesothelioma. They can provide the greatest expertise and the highest level of up-to-date care and treatment. They also engage in research and have access to clinical trials.
Working with a Kansas Mesothelioma Lawyer
The best way to ensure that you are not caught outside the statute of limitations is to work with a Kansas mesothelioma lawyer. This type of professional has the expertise, experience, and knowledge needed to make a strong case against the employer or company you believe is responsible for the exposure you experienced.
Filing a lawsuit over asbestos exposure is serious and has serious consequences, which is why you need the best on your side. Find a reliable and experienced mesothelioma lawyer to help you get the best possible outcome.

Rod De Llano
WriterRod De Llano was born and raised in Laredo, Texas. He graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in Economics, and earned a law degree from the University of Texas. After working for an international law firm for several years, Rod formed a law firm dedicated to representing persons injured by exposure to asbestos products. For over 20 years, Rod has fought for persons diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. His clients have recovered over $1 billion over the years.
- Environmental Working Group Action Fund. (n.d.). Asbestos-Related Deaths in Kansas.
Retrieved from: http://www.asbestosnation.org/facts/asbestos-deaths/ks/ - U.S. Geological Survey. (n.d.). Asbestos Mines, Prospects, and Occurrences in the US.
Retrieved from: https://mrdata.usgs.gov/catalog/cite-view.php?cite=906 - The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). (2019, January 30). Health Hazard Evaluation, Terminal B. Trans World Airlines, Inc. Kansas City International Airport, Kansas City, Missouri.
Retrieved from: https://www2.cdc.gov/nioshtic-2/BuildQyr.asp?s1=asbestos+kansas&f1=*&Startyear=&Adv=0&terms=1&EndYear=&Limit=10000&sort=&D1=10&PageNo=1&RecNo=3&View=f& - Carpenter, T. (2010, August 24). KC Prisons Tested for Asbestos. The Topeka Capital-Journal.
Retrieved from: https://www.cjonline.com/article/20100824/NEWS/308249798 - Post, J.C. (2022, May 25). Demolotion Work Moves Forward on the Old JCHS. WIBW.
Retrieved from: https://www.wibw.com/2022/05/25/demolition-work-moves-forward-old-jchs/ - Dome, A.J. (2022, September 16). Regents Approve Construction of New KSU Ag Research Center. The Mercury.
Retrieved from: https://themercury.com/news/regents-approve-construction-of-new-ksu-ag-research-center/article_2df2d7a4-02c5-5d5b-9ca0-107bf869a433.html - Kansas Department of Health & Environment. (n.d.). State of Kansas Asbestos Regulations and Statutes.
Retrieved from: https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/DocumentCenter/View/482/KS-Asbestos-Regulations-and-Statutes-PDF - JDSupra. (2022, February 14). Jurisdictional Analysis Shows Divide on Duty for Take-Home Asbestos Exposure.
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