Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO

Dr. Lynn D. Wilson is a board-certified radiation oncologist at the Yale School of Medicine and Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven. He strongly believes that successful treatment of patients diagnosed with lung cancer, mesothelioma, breast cancer, and other malignancies and diseases can be “best achieved through multidisciplinary collaboration among specialists focused on the patient.”
Dr. Wilson leverages modern radiation therapy technology and specialized techniques to provide palliative care and therapeutic outcomes for patients struggling with challenging malignancies.[1]
Dr. Wilson’s research explores outcomes and treatment-related factors for patients receiving care for lung cancers, breast cancers, and cutaneous lymphoma. He has a particular interest in the use of radiation to treat lung neoplasms, mycosis fungoides, and lymphoma. He also has research interests surrounding T-cells and radiation oncology.
His recent publications include:[1]
. 245 Factors associated with in-hospital mortality in mycosis fungoides patients. King A, Lee V, Mirza F, Jairam V, Yu J, Park H, Girardi M, Wilson L, An Y. 245 Factors associated with in-hospital mortality in mycosis fungoides patients. Journal Of Investigative Dermatology 2021, 141: s44. DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2021.02.267.
. CLO21-025: Benefit of Deep Inspiratory Breath Hold for Right Breast Cancer When Regional Lymph Nodes Are Irradiated. Peters G, Gao S, Knowlton C, Zhang A, Evans S, Higgins S, Wilson L, Saltmarsh N, Picone M, Moran M. CLO21-025: Benefit of Deep Inspiratory Breath Hold for Right Breast Cancer When Regional Lymph Nodes Are Irradiated. Journal Of The National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2021, 19: clo21-025. DOI: 10.6004/jnccn.2020.7707.
· Predictive Value of PET-CT in Patients with T-Cell Lymphoma Undergoing Autologous and Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant. Isufi I, Chandhok N, Boddu P, Pucar D, Seropian S, Gowda L, Perreault S, Wilson L, Roberts K, Foss F. Predictive Value of PET-CT in Patients with T-Cell Lymphoma Undergoing Autologous and Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant. Transplantation And Cellular Therapy 2020, 26: s244. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2019.12.492.
· A Blinded, Prospective Study of Problematic Plan Detection During Physician Chart Rounds. Talcott W, Lincoln H, Kelly J, Tressel L, Wilson L, Decker R, Evans S. A Blinded, Prospective Study of Problematic Plan Detection During Physician Chart Rounds. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2019, 105: s23-s24. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.06.425.
· PV-0045 Is proton therapy a “pro” for breast cancer? A comparison of proton vs. non-proton RT using the NCDB. Chowdhary M, Lee A, Gao S, Barry P, Diaz R, Bagadiya N, Park H, Yu J, Wilson L, Moran M, Higgins S, Knowlton C, Patel K. PV-0045 Is proton therapy a “pro” for breast cancer? A comparison of proton vs. non-proton RT using the NCDB. Radiotherapy And Oncology 2019, 133: s15. DOI: 10.1016/s0167-8140(19)30465-7.

Terri Heimann Oppenheimer
WriterTerri Oppenheimer has been writing about mesothelioma and asbestos topics for over ten years. She has a degree in English from the College of William and Mary. Terri’s experience as the head writer of our Mesothelioma.net news blog gives her a wealth of knowledge which she brings to all Mesothelioma.net articles she authors.

Dave Foster
Page EditorDave has been a mesothelioma Patient Advocate for over 10 years. He consistently attends all major national and international mesothelioma meetings. In doing so, he is able to stay on top of the latest treatments, clinical trials, and research results. He also personally meets with mesothelioma patients and their families and connects them with the best medical specialists and legal representatives available.
- Yale Medicine. (N.D.). Lynn Wilson, MD, MPH, FASTRO.
Retrieved from: https://www.yalemedicine.org/specialists/lynn-wilson