Michele Carbone, MD, PhD

Dr. Michele Carbone conducts scientific research and provides pathologic support at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, where he is the Director of Thoracic Oncology, a Full Member of the Cancer Biology Program, and Special Health and Science Advisor to the state’s governor. He specializes in exploring malignant pleural mesothelioma and its causes. He is a board-certified pathologist and a strong proponent of a multidisciplinary collaborative team approach to both research and care.[1]
Education and Career
Dr. Carbone earned his medical degree and his PhD at the Medical School of Rome, “La Sapienza” in Italy. He is board-certified in Anatomic Pathology by both the University of Rome in Italy and the University of Chicago, where he maintained a research laboratory to continue investigations into the causes and potential cures for malignant mesothelioma.[1]
Dr. Carbone’s career has included being the Director of Thoracic Oncology at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, the Chair of Pathology at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, and the University of Hawaii’s William & Ellen Melohn Chair in Cancer Biology.[1]
Dr. Carbone’s scientific research largely focuses on malignant mesothelioma. He explores the potential link between exposure to asbestos and genetics and has spent a significant amount of his time investigating an epidemic of malignant mesothelioma in the remote villages of Turkey.
He has several active grants, including:[1]
M. Carbone, Contact PI; H. Yang, Co-PI
“Mechanisms of BAP1 activity in human cancer development”
M. Carbone, Contact PI, H. Yang (U. Hawaiʻi), Grzymski, DRI, Nevada, Co-PIs
“Influence of germline mutations on susceptibility to environmental carcinogens”
08/15/19–06/30/24 (NCE)
M. Carbone, PI
UH Foundation through unrestricted donations from Honeywell Int. Inc., Riviera United-4-a Cure, Maurice and Joanna Sullivan Family Foundation
“Pathogenesis of Malignant Mesothelioma”
His recent publications include:[1]
Suarez JS, Novelli F, Goto K, Ehara M, Steele M, Kim JH, Zolondick AA, Xue J, Xu R, Saito M, Pastorino S, Minaai M, Takanishi Y, Emi M, Pagano I, Wakeham A, Berger T, Pass HI, Gaudino G, Mak TW, Carbone M*, Yang H. HMGB1 released by mesothelial cells drives the development of asbestos-induced mesothelioma. (2023) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 26;120(39):e2307999120. *co-corresponding author, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2307999120. Epub 2023 Sep 20. PMID: 37729199; PMCID: PMC10523480 Impact Factor: 11.1
Bononi A, Wang Q, Zolondick AA, Bai F, Steele-Tanji M, Suarez JS, Pastorino S, Sipes A, Signorato V, Ferro A, Novelli F, Kim J, Minaai M, Takinishi Y, Pellegrini L, Napolitano A, Xu R, Farrar C, Goparaju C, Bassi C, Negrini M, Pagano I, Sakamoto G, Gaudino G, Pass HI, Onuchic JN, Yang H, Carbone M. (2023). BAP1 is a novel regulator of HIF-1α. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120(4):e2217840120. doi:10.1073/pnas.2217840120. PubMed PMID: 36656861; PMC9942908. Impact Factor: 11.1
Carbone M, Pass HI, Ak G, Alexander HR Jr, Baas P, Baumann F, Blakely AM, Bueno R, Bzura A, Cardillo G, Churpek JE, Dianzani I, De Rienzo A, Emi M, Emri S, Felley-Bosco E, Fennell DA, Flores RM, Grosso F, Hayward NK, Hesdorffer M, Hoang CD, Johansson PA, Kindler HL, Kittaneh M, Krausz T, Mansfield A, Metintas M, Minaai M, Mutti L, Nielsen M, O’Byrne K, Opitz I, Pastorino S, Pentimalli F, de Perrot M, Pritchard A, Ripley RT, Robinson B, Rusch V, Taioli E, Takinishi Y, Tanji M, Tsao AS, Tuncer AM, Walpole S, Wolf A, Yang H, Yoshikawa Y, Zolondick A, Schrump DS, Hassan R. (2022). Medical and surgical care of patients with mesothelioma and their relatives carrying germline BAP1 mutations. J Thorac Oncol; 17:873-889, doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2022.03.014. Impact Factor: 20.4.

Terri Heimann Oppenheimer
WriterTerri Oppenheimer has been writing about mesothelioma and asbestos topics for over ten years. She has a degree in English from the College of William and Mary. Terri’s experience as the head writer of our Mesothelioma.net news blog gives her a wealth of knowledge which she brings to all Mesothelioma.net articles she authors.

Dave Foster
Page EditorDave has been a mesothelioma Patient Advocate for over 10 years. He consistently attends all major national and international mesothelioma meetings. In doing so, he is able to stay on top of the latest treatments, clinical trials, and research results. He also personally meets with mesothelioma patients and their families and connects them with the best medical specialists and legal representatives available.
- University of Hawaii Cancer Center (N.D.). Michele Carbone, MD.
Retrieved from: https://www.uhcancercenter.org/carbone-michele