The Plibrico Company made refractory products with asbestos for many years. This led to several asbestos exposure and mesothelioma lawsuits. Eventually, Plibrico filed for bankruptcy protection and reorganized in 2006 with a trust to pay claims to victims.
Plibrico History and Asbestos
Plibrico was founded in 1914 by W.A.L. Schaeffer. Initially, the company was named Pliable Brick Company, and it was later shortened to Plibrico.
- Schaeffer was an innovator in refractory materials. He saw the future in custom-designed materials and products, as well as on-site installation. He also developed more modern materials for refractory products.
- Unfortunately, some of those materials included asbestos. Asbestos was once commonly used in the refractory industry because it has superior qualities for molding, strengthening, and insulating in high-temperature environments.
- Plibrico used asbestos in insulating cement, boiler coatings, and other products until the 1970s.
- Plibrico eventually faced numerous lawsuits over an asbestos-related illness. The expense of these lawsuits caused the company to file for bankruptcy before opening up again for business.
- Today, Plibrico specializes in turnkey, monolithic refractory products. Refractory materials must withstand extremely high temperatures, such as those in refineries, furnaces, and metalworking plants.
- Plibrico’s materials are even more specific, focusing on components molded in one piece and custom work designed to fit each client’s space and needs.
Plibrico products are distributed in the United States, while the company sends Plico-branded products to international customers. The company headquarters are in Northbrook, Illinois, and materials are manufactured in Oak Hill, Ohio.
How Did Plibrico Use Asbestos?
Asbestos was a common material in the refractory industry in the early and middle 20th century. At the time, asbestos was the best-known material for making these products. Asbestos was readily available and inexpensive.
This natural mineral was also easily shaped and molded, adding strength and durability. Most importantly, asbestos effectively withstands extreme heat and fire, which refractory materials need.
Plibrico’s Asbestos Products
For several decades, Plibrico used asbestos in nearly all its refractory products. These products included the custom monolithic pieces for which the company was most known.
Plibrico also used asbestos in other products under the brand name Pliseal, Plicast, and Plisulate:
- Insulating cement
- Boiler and furnace coatings
- Casting materials
- Insulation block
- Wall coating
Who Was at Risk for Asbestos Exposure From Plibrico Products?
During the time Plibrico used asbestos, many people risked asbestos exposure. Anyone who handled asbestos and anyone working in the same facility was put at risk of being harmfully exposed.
Asbestos is dangerous because its tiny fibers easily come loose to float in the air. Once airborne, anyone in the vicinity can inhale or ingest them. These microscopic fibers do not pass through the body but stick in tissues, causing extensive damage over time. For some people, this leads to lung cancer, mesothelioma, or asbestosis.
Plibrico Employees
Plibrico workers were at risk of exposure and illness. This includes industrial workers, those who worked with furnaces and boilers, repair and maintenance workers, insulation installers, cement workers, and many others.
Workers in Other Industries
Workers who installed the refractory materials were also at risk, as were employees of companies that handled Plibrico asbestos products:
- Boiler workers
- Pipefitters
- Steamfitters
- Steel mill workers
- Ironworkers
- Insulators
Secondhand Exposure
Also at risk of exposure to Plibrico asbestos were the family members of these workers. Called secondhand, or take-home exposure, they were often exposed to asbestos fibers workers brought home on their clothing.
There have been many cases of children and wives of workers developing mesothelioma. Some have even filed successful claims against the companies responsible.
Asbestos Lawsuits Against Plibrico
Heavy asbestos use in the refractory industry caught up with most companies, and Plibrico was no exception. Although Plibrico was successful for decades, its asbestos use ultimately caused thousands of people to get sick.
As in other industries, many of these sick workers sued the companies responsible for exposing them to harmful asbestos fibers.
Plibrico saw the bulk of its lawsuits in the 1980s and 1990s. The expensive lawsuits continued into the 2000s as more workers received asbestos-related diagnoses.
For example, in 2001, Plibrico was one defendant in a New Jersey Steamfitters Union case. These and other class action and individual lawsuits forced Plibrico into a difficult position. Because these lawsuits were so costly, the company risked going out of business.
Plibrico Bankruptcy and Asbestos Trust for Victims
The pile-up of lawsuits over asbestos-related illnesses eventually was more than Plibrico could handle. Plibrico turned to a solution common for businesses in this position by filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2002. Chapter 11 allows a company to reorganize and set aside funds to compensate victims.
Plibrico finally filed for bankruptcy in 2002, but it took four years to finalize a reorganization plan agreeable to the bankruptcy court.
As part of the reorganization, Plibrico created an asbestos trust to compensate valid claims from asbestos victims. It is called the Plibrico Asbestos Trust. The company funded it with more than $206 million. This trust remains active and is accepting claims.[1]
The Plibrico Asbestos Trust dropped its payment percentage from 1.21% to 0.88% in 2023.[2] The trust only pays a portion of claims to ensure funds remain in place for future claimants.
If You Were Exposed to Plibrico Asbestos Products
If you believe Plibrico caused your asbestos exposure, you have a right to seek compensation. The best way to make a successful claim is to work with a mesothelioma lawyer.
An experienced lawyer will review your case for free and provide options. In addition to Plibrico, other companies might be liable for your asbestos exposure. A lawyer can find all the companies responsible and help you file additional claims or lawsuits.

Mary Ellen Ellis
WriterMary Ellen Ellis has been the head writer for since 2016. With hundreds of mesothelioma and asbestos articles to her credit, she is one of the most experienced writers on these topics. Her degrees and background in science and education help her explain complicated medical topics for a wider audience. Mary Ellen takes pride in providing her readers with the critical information they need following a diagnosis of an asbestos-related illness.

Dave Foster
Page EditorDave has been a mesothelioma Patient Advocate for over 10 years. He consistently attends all major national and international mesothelioma meetings. In doing so, he is able to stay on top of the latest treatments, clinical trials, and research results. He also personally meets with mesothelioma patients and their families and connects them with the best medical specialists and legal representatives available.
- Dixon, L., McGovern, G., and Coombe, A. (2010). Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts. RAND Institute for Civil Justice.
Retrieved from: - Plibrico Asbestos Trust. (2023, July 14). Notice to Counsel and All Claimants of the Plibrico 524(g) Asbestos Trust.
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